Wednesday 9 September 2015

Why the Drinking of Iced Water is so Dangerous For You?

Not many people understand why warm water is
far better than ice cold. Hopefully, this article will
help you see things better.
But, first, try this:
Close your eyes and imagine yourself being on a
wooden dook that extends into a mountain lake.
Sun is shining, birds are singing. Spring is
awesome. The top layer of the lake has just
melted. You decide to dive in the lake.
Now, how does your body react? Are you
relaxed or constricted?
If by any chance you did not know it, warm
water loosens skin and opens pores, and cold
water constricts it and closes pores. The same
happens to your digestive tract when you drink
ice cold water.
What does cold water do to your body?
– Body spends more energy to regulate its
temperature instead of absorbing nutrients and
digesting food. This may result in water loss.
– Cold drinks restrict digestion, shrinks blood
vessels and hinders hydration.
– When drinking cold drinks while eating food,
cold temperature solidifies fat from the food you
eat and your body cannot digest undesired fats
from the body properly.
– If you prefer drinking cold water after your
meals, your body deals with excess mucus,
which affects the function of your immune
system, so you are likely to catch a cold or
struggle with a disease.
People believe that cold water helps in burning
calories. But, you sure do not need your
digestive system working harder, and try to
make things a bit different. You can burn
calories in many other ways, without affecting
vital functions in your body.
Why is warm water better for you?
Stimulates digestive enzymes and enhances
Hydrates tissues faster
Improves better bowel movement. Try warm
lemon water in the morning
Your body breaks down food more efficiently
Boosts natural detoxification in your body
and cleanses blood via kidneys, skin and
lymphatic system
Once you decide to go for warm water or water
at room temperature, you will experience better
digestion and your body will feel much lighter
after or during meals. Some people claim that
drinking warm water has reduced their sugar

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